
Better late than never. It's been a long week and a half hasn't it? It had to happen. Mort wasn't going to leave his sanctum sanctorum, without a push. In the back of his mind he knew that, and his muse knew that. I think, given the choice, he wouldn't have preferred that push not being a fiery explosion (Gar too probably), but we don't always get to choose the changes in our lives, even if our actions cause those changes. About the updates, they've been coming pretty slow, since these comics have a level of detail I haven't really used for much of the entire run and the upcoming ones until the end are all double sized pages. I hope to get it done before the end of the year. I just hope you guys have the patience to deal with this slow comicker. We're really close now. Just four more to go!

I'm the midnight bomber what bombs at midnight!!

2 thoughts on “Boom..

  1. I KNEW it! I %@%!ing knew it!!! It was a trap, dammit, a trap! Did you listen? No!! All you did, Mort, was blow yourself up and potential burn your big, lovable, bear buddy Gar!! Dammit, I hope you die in a fi-
    oh wait… Never mind.

    For the record, although I suspected this, I never expected this to happen to dramatically. I guess NOW there’s no going back.

  2. And here comes the… (you know the rest)

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