
The comic up to this point was more of "A Day in the Life.." of Posey and Mort. It lead more into a series of gags showing their relationship. This one was really just an excuse to draw funny expressions. The lines in this one is actually a reference to a book that I heard about (but haven't read) and who's name escapes me at the moment. But it's about the science of cooking, and I thought that that would be a good thing between Posey and Mort. He can appreciate the chemical properties of it (and lick the spoon) and Posey gets to make good food and spend time with Mort. Unfortunately the plans of mice and men (and rabbits) seem to think otherwise.

2 thoughts on “Cooking..

  1. Heston_Blumenthal does a lot with the science of cooking, even having his own research and development kitchen and is best known for his snail porridge…

    1. you know, that might be the book I was thinking of

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