The end of double digits..

It is finally done. I haven't slept in about 24 hours, but it's done.

Some explaining must be done. Originally about three years ago (this October actually), I made up Same Apartment with my brother and it was a random little comic starring a cat named Gar and a rabbit named Posey. We thought up a couple of comics and characterizations and we came to the conclusion that Gar would be the random zany guy and Posey would be the serious straight angry character. Sound familiar to anyone?

Anyway, what we started to realize was that it was pretty much exactly like many other video game comics out there. Sure there's nothing inherently wrong with that but we wanted to make it different. And so on the last of the comics with double digits, we harken back to a simpler time when what we now call PROTO Gar and Posey were just a simple duo making fun of video games.

This and the next comic are a sort of bridge into the 100s and so it'll continue next week. Both comics though have a reference to my other comic projects that lead up to Same Apartment, ones that though short lived, helped me learn the skills needed to put a polished comic together. See if you can find the references here.

That's the end of double digits peoples.

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