Two updates this week..

I'll link to both comics directly this time, since I've neglected to do it in the past.

First the Dreamers epilogue which is uncolored for lack of time (but not for lack of trying). The explanation of it is here on the Deviantart entry of it.

As for tonight, we have something new here:

I'm putting this up on Thursday because for once I got something done early and I figured you guys have been great and patient about the last Dreamers comics. It's only just a tad ironic that he's ranting about lateness in a comic going up two days early. But I digress.

Here it is the start of the event that I mentioned in the last comic, and teased about earlier. I had this planned out before I made that teaser and also way before I started lagging behind. The latter of it may just be fixed in this event since it may give me a chance to catch up with some simpler comics.

Tune in on March 4th for more details..

One more thing before I go: This isn't a bash on black and white comics. I know that people like Bill Watterson and Scott Kurtz and Mario Gonzalez do wonderful work that I envy, this is just Proto Gar mentioning the fact that all I really did was not color it.

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