Leetle White Rabbit..

Posey is pale. What can I say? That whole blush thing started long ago because I was trying to add color to her. Anyway, sorry for the delay in uploading this one, but it's been a shitty week. I don't mind saying that, because it's not just what's in the news, but here at work too (new managers trying to impress people always work against the peons doing the actual work). So all in all it's been a shitty week all around. Who knows, maybe with a new month coming in we'll be able to turn this around (justkeepswimming..). But enough about that. What good news is there? Well here you go, I finally got started making a new site. A couple of weeks ago, I started up a wordpress blog and am working to convert the site, from my own bubblegum and string code into something that is not only easy to update, but easy to change if the thought strikes me. I'll have you know, I had things to change about the current version of the site as soon as I put it up. I'm actually typing this up on Wordpress as we speak. So that's one of my goals. I'll have the feed ready asap, but for now the posts are going up simultaneously on blogger and wordpress before the blogger version of the blog (both of them) go down for good (and don't worry, all of that ranty goodness isn't going anywhere, because I've already gotten the archives from both blogs going back to 2005 already on wordpress). Also, you know what else is a good thing? This comic, by coincidence, goes up on the third anniversary of Same Apartment! I like that because I wasn't able to celebrate the second anniversary because of the blackout last year when my computer died. And let's not forget the fact that I've been a part of this wonderful deviantart community for three years AND this is officially my 300th deviation. So I guess good things do come in threes, even THREES (unless you count the wordpress thing.. then that's four..) Oh, and Faded-Myth, this Gar shirt is for you!

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