Batgar, Batgar, BATGAR!!

NANANANANANANANANA BATGAR!! And the new comics just keep on coming. I had a nice break, got three comics completely finished and wrote some good comics to line up after that. It's been a good month, so now I can't wait to show you guys. This comic started out as a simple doodle page of Gar as Batman and I figured, HEY this would be fun to ink. I did not do that.. Too cowardly and I didn't want to ruin what turned out to be such a great drawing. But in the process of digitally inking this I made a new inking brush that better mimics the real shape of a real brush stroke. So there's that. See you next time guys.

A word on deviantArt: I plan to start updating Same Apartment to deviantArt an update late so that there's still a reason for people to go to the site. I really like deviantart and if it were just about pageviews on the site, I'd stop updating on deviatart altogether, but I really like the feedback and wonderful comments you guys give. So updating a couple days late is a way for me to have my cake and eat it too. Hope you guys don't hate me too much for that. So as always the site will update on Wednesdays and Saturdays and I'll figure out what schedule deviantart will follow. EDIT: The comic goes up a week late on Deviantart, starting next Saturday.

One thought on “Batgar, Batgar, BATGAR!!

  1. Ah. I still love this and the original. I still want a copy of the original. Still, still, still!

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