Bub not Blob..

I was thinking about not doing a comic this week and concentrating on the site work, but then this one came to me.  Not bad time on it considering I drew most of it on Thursday.  If only I'd thought of it on Monday, I could've probably gotten it in on time.  No matter, here's your Same Apartment: Updated SATURDAY!

4 thoughts on “Bub not Blob..

  1. Been checking out your comic since the fall of last year when VG Cats Scott linked the comic featuring Leo and Aeris.I only have good expectations that your comic starts to gander alittle more recognition.

    Anyway,there’s a good reason no one takes Gar seriously,especially if he’s wearing a green dinosaur suit :P.

    1. Yeah, I only wish the comic was available on the site when that happened. I’d lost my main computer around the time that comic went up, so I wasn’t able to reap the benefits of having VGCats link to the site itself. Still it’s my most viewed deviation on deviantArt so that’s a nice feather for my cap.

  2. As should be :3.I know Scott doesn’t update like he use to,but seeing as how that was one of the first webcomics I got into besides Penny Arcade and Girly,it holds a special spot in my heart,would be realistically beating and bleeding if Leo got ahold of it.

    I’ll be sure to start getting the word out about Tomcat Ltd once you finish touching it up.

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