Poor poor neglected blog..

The comic has been going on without the blog it seems.. So for anyone who still listens to the blog feed only, here are the updates you've been missing.

I thought about putting dialog in this one, but it works quietly. All you need to know is that she doesn't really like being the sandwich advertising for Bookington's. I haven't put her in her uniform in awhile. It was nice, until I found that I put the window behind her the same color as her shirt normally is. So um.. now Bookington's has a purple shirt too..

yeah that's it.

This is a birthday present to Cheese Goddess, who's birthday was over a month ago. But to be fair, I did draw it that long ago. Benson and Butler don't like telemarketers so they like to bait them a bit. Then they can cackle wildly at the poor man's soul getting crushed. If you look closely you can see the picture I mentioned in a recent journals

Oh, yes humongous props to Cheese and Faded Myth for helping with the dialogue, I needed a good rant.

As for today, #91
I'd like to get more done on this, but sometimes you just gotta say that it's finished.. for now. Maybe if I get done with the next comic early (as in on time this week..) I'll upload some finished versions of these as full sized pictures. For anyone wondering, this is a doodle comic. I plan to do a couple of these as time goes by. I was procrastinating on the comic as usual and I started a sheet of just Mac doodles. I filled the sheet, so I figured, why not make a comic out of it?

That scribbley one is one of the first drawings of Mac I did without her coat and hat on, and it was done long after I should've drawn it back in 06 before I revealed her to be a girl.

Yes Mac does have glasses, she just uses contacts mostly. And no she probably won't grow her hair out that long anytime soon.

btw, has anyone seen Mac without long sleeves on?

Is it strange that I decided to make this a comic to speed things up, and now it's a late comic as well? Irony..

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