
That's twenty bucks that Jason owes me. When I first decided to put up a webcomic I didn't think it'd get very far. I figured that like most of the stories I did it would end up a disjointed thing only showed for a bit and then not seen again for a long time. Then I would move on and do something else for a bit and lose interest in that too. But this last year was different. I focused on this so much that I'd actually let other ideas go that I'd have otherwise pursued. A deadline really screws you up that way. But no worries. I got more done because of a deadline. It wasn't just for that twenty dollars of course, but for that elusive prize. Bragging rights. Going for one full year without missing one update. And with that I bid you farewell for a couple of weeks. I'm off to make more comics to make a buffer between the comic I'm drawing and Saturday update.

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