Convenience and almost arrested..

Comic's up a bit late since the server was down, but it has been up on Deviant Art for a while..

So ya, Mort getting his punchline on.

Whoo, this was such a simple joke. I don't think I'll try to chop together a comic next time. As you can see there's a lot of copying and pasting done here, from the background to Mort in the third panel, to the guy in all the panels. It was a quick comic, but it left a feeling of emptiness inside. I can't get that part of my soul back.

Eh, I'd probably just waste it anyway.

Not only that, but I almost got arrested last night!!

See here's the story..
Me and a bunch of friends were driving in my car (a mint green Dodge Neon if you need the visual)..

So like I says there were the five of us crammed in (four fat guys and one small girl in a car called Tic Tac, but I digress) and we see this guy in his nice shiny little sports car next to us looking a little smug. So we think (I believe it was yours truly that suggested it first) let's screw with him just a bit. So what do we do?

We blast Weird Al's White and Nerdy out of our stereo.

We turned it up really loud and waved our hands out the windows like a bunch of fools. We started bouncing up and down to the beat, and the guy in the sports car is looking at us like we just landed the mother ship beside him. And then the light turned green and we drove away laughing our fat asses off.

Then the other shoe dropped. As we turn off the highway to get home we see the blue flashing lights of someone we didn't want to see. On the side of the road we watch them walk up slowly and then their reinforcements arrive. Imagine us, five nerds and here are three police cruisers pulling up behind us. They start to tell us to get out our identification and what not and this one guy (who we find later is in the narcotics devision) tells us to put our hands out the windows where he can see them. That's when we know this isn't just a minor speeding stop. Apparently they'd seen our little escapade at the red light (or so we figure, they never did give us the exact reason they pulled us over, but what else could it be?). We're summoned out of the car and all of us keep our hands on the vehicle (so says Mr. Narcotics).

What makes this story even more gripping is that the same wired police officer is treating this like a real bust rather than just a bunch of idiots who got a bit rowdy all the while one of his fellow officers is reassuring us that everything's fine. Mr. Narcotics even went so far as to threaten to tase my friend for making sudden movements while he reached for his ID. And when he told us all one by one to stop smirking (that's my natural facial position actually). He should probably switch to decaf maybe..

But all in all it turned out fine, no one was incarcerated, but now we have a nice story to freak out our parents about.

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