Bubble Bobble..

This is one of the many comics we came up with for the new Super Mario Bros.  This one came in the throes of hilarity while we (me, John the official writer of Same Apartment and Al, a friend of ours who actually owns the game we were playing) played through one of the levels. We got to a point and John was jumping around (as Marios tend to do) and he goes to land on a piece of land that was moving. When he realizes he's about to plummet to his doom, he bubbles himself (a safety mechanism they put in to save yourself) and then realizes when all of us float in with him that we've already bubbled ourselves and were following along with him (something you can do if you fall behind by pushing the A button). This is bad because that causes the level to end. But we had a ball. A hoot. It was grand.

On the site difficulties.. I'm ashamed to admit it was my fault. I'm sure some of you are asking "What site problems?" You're probably thinking I'm insane. But no. For the last week or so I haven't been able to see any of the images on my site. I was just about to delete the cookies on firefox (something I HATE to do) when I was suggested that it might be something blocking my site. It was only on Firefox after all, but I didn't know you could just block the images on a site without blocking the site itself (you know where you get that FORBIDDEN thingy saying you can't get on the site at all). I just couldn't see any pictures. All the words were there, but any image that is hosted on my site was gone. And guess which was the only site in that blocked image list? Tomcat Ltd of course! So yeah, I'm an idiot. BUT! I'm an idiot with an excuse. See my mouse has been dying, and it's taken to double clicking at random. I figure that I accidentally clicked somewhere on the options menu close to the option to block the site. Not sure how it happened, but I'm glad it's fixed.

I hope all our Christian friends had a safe and happy Christmas. And to all our Atheist friends I hope you had a happy Friday.

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