Dreamers 04 and 05…

Might as well update this now, since I forgot last week..

It's here folks, sorry for the HUGE delay. It's Posey's turn for dreaming.

If you've been keeping up in the last couple of days (it was put up on Tuesday) you'll know why it's late, so I don't have to elaborate, except one fact. This was late because it was hard. The reason I did it like this, is that I didn't want to settle on something that wasn't good. The characters in the dream had to be menacing. So settle and you get something that looks mildly annoyed..

Originally I was going to have Posey in high school being looked upon by her fellow classmates, which the first and some of the third panels show (hence the books and braces), but panels four and five were made with random characters (It's a GIANT Chicken I tells ya!!). I'd say that I meant for it to be that Posey still feels in some ways that she's still in high school with that social pressure still riding around on her back, but if I didn't just say that I got bored drawing angry teens I'd have my head up my ass. And that ain't good for anybody.

Then last Saturday:

Caught up! Mort's was definitely less ambitious than Posey's. And I think there's a reason for that. Posey for one thing has a much bigger imagination. Sure I did that whole Muse thing to show that Mort is an artist with science as his palette, but not only does she have a bigger imagination, she also has insecurities. Mort's comfortable with himself. He may hate himself, but he doesn't care what others think.

I decided to resurrect the chalkboard idea for this one, on one case since I had to get this one done quickly, plus someone suggested (Psyping I think) that I hide inside jokes in the comic for people that maybe would like to find some extra content.

Eighty comics down, twenty to go!

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