Variable X..

While writing this comic we used the term "Variable X" to signify Posey, or love, or the optimism that the Mort from this dimension has. While actually lettering the comic, naming the single difference in this dimension seemed a little schmaltzy. The purpose of this comic is to signify that the only difference is Mort's decision to date Posey. Because of that simplistic purpose John (the official yadda yadda) wanted to scrap this one altogether. Sorry for the long time guys, I explained what happened, so let's not go into that. But I'm working on the next one, so hopefully we got something in the pipeline. One fun note that one idea was to put a pile of LEGOmen at the foot of the portal. That's where all of Gar's toys end up when he throws them into Mort's portal on the other side.

Variable X is the title and I'm sticking to it..

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