Rocked on the Cradle of the Deep..

So, guess who finally opened his site to the world? What is that I hear? Why it's the pitter patter of  little Mario Gonzalez, the creator of Wyliman. Now you can navigate through the prolific archives of this 300+ page comic without having to go through the torment of browsing a comic on deviantArt! See bald men, fox artists and hot redheads (and a dash of purple) all in one. OH YEAHS! Speaking of comics.. Introducing General Lloyd and Dr. Guy. They're going to investigate what happened to that cute little button nosed little girl who turned into the giant gelatinous tentacle monster. And what's this? What's happening to the housemates? OH NOES! This one took a bit longer than I'd like, but I liked the way it came out. It's wordy, but that's a good thing this early in a monster movie. Someone's got to explain everything, and here Dr. Guy is Clarissa. Enjoy part one of the Halloween arc!

3 thoughts on “Rocked on the Cradle of the Deep..

  1. Oh sheet that T-shirt is sweet. DO WANT :O

  2. Crap I just realized I put my email in wrong for my other comments D: .Anyway,this does not bode well for the housemates,unless they all gain super powers.That would be awesome.

    1. I guess they do get superpowers, in the Hulk sense of the word anyway..

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