Monkey Team..

Yarr, I lost a bet on this one. I bet John The Official Writer of Same Apartment, that I could get done with two comics a week for these two months December and January, but there you go, this one went up less than an hour into a day late. Dang. To be fair though, this is a long one, about twice as long as the other two comics a week comics. I should've picked a simpler comic to do this week (of Christmas and what not) and pushed this one back to later when I could build up more of a buffer. You can always tell when I'm rushing on a comic, when you have such simple splashes for the backgrounds. But them's the brakes. Live and learn, but most importantly, move on. John had this wild idea of a comic some time ago, and I thought it was the stupidest comic we've churned out in a while, and it is. But that hasn't stopped us before, so here's MONKEY FLAKES!

see you next decade guys!

One thought on “Monkey Team..

  1. Well, it has been proven that mokeys sell more than anything, even more than boobs.

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