#218 TotorNOOOOO

Is this the first Smash Bros comic? I honestly don't know.

67 posts and counting..

I had to lose the old tomcatltd.blogspot.com blog. The reasons are purely cosmetic, as you won’t see any difference except that this new blog is now part of my server. Blogger seems to have something wrong with it’s archives since they were the only thing that didn’t post. I had all of the old Blog moved on the server and then when you clicked on one of the archive links, it went to a 404 error. But no worries. This is where I start anew. Sure the classic blog is gone, but from it’s ashes something new came about. Another just like it. It’ll be the same for you dear reader. For me it’s like when I changed Genesis. It’ll just take some getting used to. So change your bookmarks, this is the new pad.

So to start things off on a good foot, here’s a house warming present from me to all of you guys a new Marvel picture!!